Sunday, November 2, 2008

The rainbow that never got away!

It was a lazy Monday afternoon in late July, i had just got off work and was waiting for my girlfriend Susan to get home. the past couple of days had been horrible fishing conditions the wind could not make up its mind and decide which way to blow. Some of my fishing know how could easily be passed off as superstitions or ramblings of a fisherman giving to much credit to the mind of A trout. but i firmly believe if you get 2+ days of the same direction wind, what ever pond you go to will produce trout, and like i said before this particular day was not a prime day as the winds would blow from the south in the morning then turn east by midday and die to flat calm by afternoon. but the conditions on this Monday were the best we had in about a week the wind was steady at about 30 km/hour from the north west all day and the forecast predicted it would stay that way till the next afternoon, the temp was roughly about 12-15 degrees and it was overcast. So with those tidbits of information i figured the best place to go would be Northeast pond in Portugal Cove, a short 15 min drive from my home in CBS, so off i went to gather my tools of the trade my chest waders, case of hooks, spinners and ever faithful flies and last but not least my Shimano rod and reel (which is in my picture that i use for my banner on top of the page). Just as i finished gearing up, Susan had pulled in the driveway perfect timing i thought, so as i exited the house Susan had left the car door open for me so with a quick hello and a kiss goodbye i was on my way. Thus far everything was going smoothly might not be a bad day after all. after about a 15 min drive and a 10 min walk i set my foot in the water of northeast, the conditions should have been perfect, but to my dismay there were no trout playing on the water which was not a good sign, seeing how it was July and the weeds and lilly pads had started to fill the pond my choices of tackle were limited to bobber and flies. Unless of course i wanted to lose about 25$ in spinners to the dreadful weeds. so flies it is, with a quick scan through my box i discovered that i only had two flies one which is my own creation that i call the "Bitch" and a size 6 muddler which was way to big for my liking and why it was still in the box unused. With flies on and ready to go off i went for a lap around the pond, north up the pond shore towards billy's rock. Cast after cast and no rises I was starting to lose hope on catching anything as the trout were just not feeding so as a last ditch effort i headed to the back of the pond where there is a river that runs in one of the many hot spots and also an exit path back to the car if the fishing didn't improve. Once i got to the river i had 2 casts with nothing even looking at my presentation, then on the third cast just as my bobber hit the water a silver rocket shot up and grabbed my fly right away i knew it was a rainbow as his mirror like finish flashed as he leaped about a foot out of the water after about three more spectacular jumps he had tired him self out and the battle had been won i landed him on shore and dispatched him as quickly as possible. The funny thing with northeast pond if the browns are feeding the rainbows are not and when everything seems useless there is a good chance to catch a rainbow. he weighed in at about 1 and a half pounds and with all the excitement of landing him on my last cast for the day extended my fishing trip for another hour but unfortunately he was the only one i caught that day. so after 4 hours of fishing and only one trout I'd have to say that it was time well spent.

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